Patient Info


Appointments can be scheduled by calling toll-free at (877) 549-4490. Our Chicago phone number is (773) 743-1981 and our suburban phone number is (847) 475-0200. To assist in effective and efficient treatment, please bring any previous medical records and X-rays related to your ongoing or recurring condition. It will also be necessary for you to bring your Medicare and/or insurance carrier cards.

If you are a member of an HMO or IPA, you will need an authorization form from your primary care physician prior to your first appointment with me. Each time you are seen in the office, your insurance program requires a new authorization form. All HMO/IPA’s refuse to allow me to see you without the authorization form.

If you are a member of a PPO, POS, EPO or any other managed product, check with your insurance company to verify my participation with your plan.

If you are unable to make your scheduled appointment, please cancel at least 24-hours in advance, or you may be charged for the appointment. Your courtesy will allow another patient to see us during that time.

Office Hours

We make ever effort to see true emergencies as quickly as possible.

Office Hours

9:00 am to 5:00 pm
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
7:00 am to 3:00 pm
10:00 am to 6:00 pm
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Patient Hours

12:00 pm to 5:00 pm
7:00 am to 11:00 am
12:00 pm to 6:00 pm


All day, Mondays and Fridays.

A call for medical problems during office hours will be returned as soon as possible on the same day. However, often I am in with another patient or in surgery and cannot immediately answer the phone or return your call. Giving accurate information about your problem to the receptionist will help in getting answers back to you as quick as possible. My staff or I will typically return your call later in the day or even in the evening. But, we will return your calls!

When the office is closed, a 24-hour answering service is available to contact me for emergencies. Prescription refills cannot be filled after normal hours.

Surgery requiring hospitalization is performed at St. Francis Hospital in Evanston or at Swedish Covenant Hospital in Chicago. Feel free to ask any questions. I find that the happiest patients are those who understand their health care and what is needed on their part for recovery. Your surgery may be scheduled while you are in the office for your appointment. Depending on individual circumstances, it may be done at a later date, either over the phone or on another office visit. Courtney does all of the surgical preparation, education and scheduling.

Surgery not requiring hospitalization (i.e. outpatient surgery) is performed at Swedish Covenant Hospital in Chicago, St. Francis Hospital in Evanston or at the NorthShore Same Day Surgery Center in Lincolnwood.

Pre-admission tests are usually required before outpatient surgery can be performed. Reservations for pre-admission testing can be scheduled through our office. Your surgery and hospitalization should be as worry-free as possible. My physician assistant can help you with home care plans after discharge from the hospital.

During a hospital stay, you may have several members of your family-perhaps a spouse or older children- who wish to receive information on your condition. To help us assist your family, please select one family member to act as the family spokesperson, who will be in touch with my staff and whom we may contact should the need arise.

X-Rays & Casts

Your visit may require current x-rays in order to properly diagnose and treat your problem. Both for your convenience and to limit your health care costs, our practice offers complete X-ray facilities in our office. An experienced and licensed X-ray technician is on staff. X-rays taken in our office are an additional charge, but since we personally review the films, no professional radiologist’s fee is charged. If a cast is necessary to treat your condition, it can be applied in my office to assure immediate treatment of an emergency situation and to provide added convenience for you. My office is equipped to handle orthopedic emergencies such as lacerations, sprains, strains, fractures and cuts and bruises without the added expense of a hospital emergency room.

Physical Therapy

If physical therapy is recommended, you may seek rehabilitation services at St. Francis Hospital or Swedish Covenant Hospital. If another location is more suited to your needs, we will gladly refer you to another physical therapy facility.

Insurances & Fees

It is important that you understand the financial arrangements for medical and surgical care. Charges are determined by the time spent with a patient and vary with the severity and complexity of the problem. To maintain services at the lowest cost to my patients, I ask that you pay the fees for office visits, X-rays, casts, supplies and office treatment at the time service is rendered. Monthly billing charges may be applied to accounts with outstanding balances. For your convenience, I accept MasterCard and Visa.

We are participating provides for Medicare. As such, Medicare patients are requested to pay their portion of the fee (deductible) at the time of service. My office will submit claim forms directly for Medicare and Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Chicago. If you are not covered by Medicare an/or Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Chicago, you will be supplied with claim forms for you to submit to your insurance company.

Please remember that professional services are rendered and charged to you and not to the insurance company. Usual and customary reimbursement schedules vary depending on insurance companies and even among different programs from the same company. Your particular plans usual and customary reimbursement may not correlate with our fees. Therefore, should partial payment be received directly from your insurance company, the balance is your responsibility. You will receive a statement each month if your account has a balance due. Monthly billing fees may be charged on these accounts. Balances on any statement are due and payable in full when received, unless prior arrangements have been made with our business office. If your account becomes past due, we may take action to recover the balance. Should you develop a credit balance, we will reimburse you, usually within two weeks.

Please feel free to discuss office fees or insurance procedures with our insurance coordinator or office manager. Do not ignore the bill until you are sent to a collection agency. Please call if you have problems.

Concern For Our Patients

At Windy City Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, I approach your needs from the point of view that providing quality, compassionate and cost-effective health care is the best way to help you regain your quality of life. We are always open to listen to and resolve your concerns. Call us toll-free at (877) 549-4490. Our Chicago phone number is (773) 743-1981 and our suburban phone number is (847) 475-0200. For directions, please see our location and contact information page.